1. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences (JAPS) [ISSN: 1018-7081] Category: W
Correspondence Address
Senior Editor: Dr. Khalid Javed
Department of Livestock Production
University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
146-D, Rizwan Block, Awan Town,
Lahore, Pakistan
Phone: 0092-42-9211398
Cell: 0092-300-6690094
Fax: 0092-42-9213661
Email: javeddrkhalid@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.thejaps.org.pk/
2. Pakistan Veterinary Journal [ISSN: (Print)0253-8318 (Online) 2074-7764] Category: W
Correspondence Address
Editor: Prof. Dr. Ahrar Khan
University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad 38040, Pakistan
Phone: 0092-41-9200161-170 Extension: 3119
Email: editor@pvj.com.pk
Website: http://www.pvj.com.pk/
3. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture [ISSN: (Print)1016-4383 (Online) 2224-5383] Category: X
Correspondence Address
Chief Editor/Director: Prof. Dr. Farhatullah
Advance Studies and Research,
The University of Agriculture,
Peshawar, Pakistan
Phone: 0092-91-9216572 Extension: 3101
Fax: 0092-91-921-6520
Emails: sja@aup.edu.pk and sja.aup@gmail.com
4. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology [ISSN: (Print)1560-8530 (Online) 1814-9596] Category: Y
Correspondence Address
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Abdul Wahid
Department of Botany,
University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad-38040, Pakistan
Email: zafaruaf1@gmail.com
Department of Botany,
University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad-38040, Pakistan
Email: zafaruaf1@gmail.com
5. Journal of Agriculture Research [ISSN: 0368-1157] Category: Y
Correspondence Address
Director/Editor: Muhammad Rafiq Akhtar
Directorate of Agricultural Information,
Agriculture House, 3rd Floor, 21- Sir Syed,
Agha Khan Soyam Road,
Lahore, Pakistan
Phone: 0092-41-2655293
Fax: 0092-42-9202911
Email: info@jar.com.pk
Website: http://www.jar.com.pk/
6. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition [ISSN: 1680-5194] Category: Y
Correspondence Address
The Managing Editor
Asian Network for Scientific Information (A N S I N ET),
308-Lasani Town, Sargodha Road,
Faisalabad, Pakistan
Phone: 0092-041-8787234
Cell: 0092-345-7685830
Fax: 0092-41-215206036
Email: editorpjn@gmail.com
7. Pakistan Journal of Agriculture Sciences [ISSN: (Print) 0552-9034 (Online)2076-0906] Category: Y
Correspondence Address
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Iqrar Ahmed Khan - Vice Chancellor
Managing Editor: Dr. Muhammad Jafar Jaskani
Institute of Horticulture Sciences
University of Agriculture Faisalabad
Phone: 0092-41-2645855 and 0092-41-9200161 to 70, Extension: 2816
Fax: 0092-41-9201099
Emails: pakjs_uaf@yahoo.com and pakjas@uaf.edu.pk
Website: http://pakjas.com.pk
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Iqrar Ahmed Khan - Vice Chancellor
Managing Editor: Dr. Muhammad Jafar Jaskani
Institute of Horticulture Sciences
University of Agriculture Faisalabad
Phone: 0092-41-2645855 and 0092-41-9200161 to 70, Extension: 2816
Fax: 0092-41-9201099
Emails: pakjs_uaf@yahoo.com and pakjas@uaf.edu.pk
Website: http://pakjas.com.pk
8. Pakistan Journal of Life & Social Sciences [ISSN: 1727-4915] Category: Y
Correspondence Address
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Ahsan ul Haq
Managing Editor: Dr. Masood Akhtar
704-Amin Town, P.O. Nishatabad Faisalabad,
University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad, Pakistan
Cell: 0092-0300-6622170
Emails: dr.masood@pjlss.edu.pk and drakhtar@brain.net.pk
Website: http://www.pjlss.edu.pk/
9. Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology [ISSN: 101 9-763X] Category: Y
Correspondence Address
Editor: Prof. Dr. M. Aslam Khan
Department of Plant Pathology,
University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad - 38040, Pakistan
Phone: 0092-41-9200161 to 169, Extension: 2947
Fax: 0092-41-647846
Email: aslamkhanuaf@yahoo.com, aslamkhanuaf@hotmail.com and aslamkhanuaf@gmail.com
Website: http://pjp.pakps.com/index.php/PJP
10. Pakistan Journal of Weed Sciences Research [ISSN: 181 5-1094] Category: Y
Correspondence Address
Editor. Prof. Dr. Khan Bahadar Marwat
Weed Science Society of Pakistan,
Dept. of Weed Science
The University of Agriculture,
Peshawar, Pakistan
Phone: 0092-91-9216542
Fax: 0092-91-9216520
Email: kbmarwat@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.wssp.org.pk/intrj.htm/
11. Soil and Environment [ISSN: (Print)2074-9546 (Online) 2075-1141] Category: Y
Correspondence Address
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Zahir A. Zahir
Institute of Soil & Environmental Sciences,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
Phone: 0092-41-9201092
Fax: 0092-41-2409585
Email: office@se.org.pk and info@se.org.pk
Website: http://www.se.org.pk/
CLICK HERE to check out more science journals of Pakistan
Data Source: Higher Education Commission of Pakistan